Product Packaging
Delivery, Offloading and Storage of Barracuda Materials
Barracuda rails are supplied heat shrink wrapped and palletised. These may be 'fork-lifted' or craned from the delivery vehicle.
1000 No. BAR-R1-2400 'standard' rails [180M²] are normally supplied on a single pallet with an 'all-inclusive' weight of approximately 1350kg per pallet.
10 No. pallets [10000 No. rails/1800M²] can normally be supplied on a typical 40T articulated delivery vehicle. This constitutes a typical 'full load'.
Dependent upon the project floor to floor height/brick slip cladding configuration, usually, approximately one bottom [R2] rail and one top [R3] rail will be required for every 40 No. R1 rails supplied.
Quantities of bottom [R2] rail and top [R3] rail corresponding to a 'full load' of standard [R1] rails might typically be:
250 No. BAR-R2-2400 'bottom' rails supplied on a single pallet will have an 'all-inclusive' weight of approximately 590kg per pallet.
250 No. BAR-R3-2400 'top' rails supplied on a single pallet will have an 'all-inclusive' weight of approximately 455kg per pallet.
Quantities of Barracuda 'L' and 'T' aluminium substructure rails [based upon idealised 600mm fixing centres] corresponding to a 'full load' of standard [R1] rails might typically be:
756 No. BAR-VL-2990 'L' rails supplied on a single pallet will have an 'all-inclusive' weight of approximately 1495kg per pallet.
264 No. BAR-VT-2990 'T' rails supplied across two pallets will have an 'all-inclusive' weight of approximately 415kg per pallet.
The heat shrink wrapped palletised Barracuda rails can be stored either outside or under-cover. In both cases they must be 'set down' on a reasonably flat area of 'hard standing'.
Do not stack pallets of Barracuda rails on top of one another and do not stack or store other materials on top of the Barracuda rails.
Other Barracuda materials; fasteners and special tools will be supplied in cardboard boxes. Boxed Barracuda materials should be stored in a dry, covered environment to ensure that the cardboard boxes don't deteriorate.
Barracuda Brick Slip Support System - Installation Guide
Unpackaging the Barracuda Materials
Remove the screws securing the 'crossmembers' to the Barracuda pallet and remove the 'crossmembers'. Leave the vertical upright retaining timbers in place so that the Barracuda rails remain neatly stacked on the pallet and don't 'spill' off the sides of the pallet.
Cut the top of the heat shrink wrapping down its centre and ends so that the top of the heat shrink wrapping can be 'folded back'. Progressively cut down one end of the heat shrink wrapping so that the Barracuda rails can be readily removed from the pallet whilst retaining stability of the palletised materials and maximising their protection.